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Merry Sydney

Author: Dimitris Tzoumacas
Title: Merry Sydney
Translated from the Greek by Alfred Vincent
Pp94    ISBN 0 9586390 8 6  
Date of publication: 2005

Merry Sydney is a collection of surreal, self-satirical, tender and empathetic snapshots about immigrant life in the seventies and eighties in Australia. It was written in the eighties and first published in a bilingual edition by Leros Press in 1988 and a subsequent Greek edition by Kanaki in Athens. Now Owl Publishing is bringing this work to the attention of the general public in a new English translation by Alfred Vincent, who has admirably captured the voice of the original. 

The author
Dimitris Tzoumacas was born in Athens and lived and studied in Paris during the years of the Greek military dictatorship (1967-1974). He migrated to Australia in 1974. He holds a PhD from the University of Sydney on Nicolas Calas, a surrealist Greek-American poet. Tzoumacas’ published works include books in Athens and Paris before and after his emigration from Greece, as well as several Greek publications in Australia.

The translator
Alfred Vincent was a senior lecturer in Modern Greek at the University of Sydney until retiring in 1998 and now pursuing his special interests, translation being one of them. 


This publication has been supported by the Australia Council